The tree is experienced through the volumetric presence of its arcing shadow.







Animation of the proposed art installation.


The migration of a shadow slips out from under its object source, extending its tempered presence across the landscape, merging with others, communicating with others, communicating with us while slipping past. Spreading its protective veil to surrounding trees, touching one another through the body of the earth – bringing a sense of collective security to neighboring canopies.  

This ephemeral pavilion is an elusive, volumetric presence, that we capture to appreciate and participate with, a captured moment in time. Yet the DOMAIN moves beyond and then within a new day, returns to touch and occupy the space of its former presence.

‘Shadow Domain’ is a dynamic work, as a recorder of the sun’s passage above providing us a place of repose, of respite and of revelation. It is a space of memory to be visited again and again, a collective space to connect more deeply with its context.